Radiology and Medical Imaging Technology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the techniques and applications related to radiology and medical imaging. This specialization aims to train students in using various medical imaging techniques for diagnosis and treatment in the medical field.
This program encompasses a diverse range of skills and knowledge, including familiarity with different types of medical imaging such as X-ray imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging, and nuclear imaging. Students also learn how to operate, utilize, and calibrate imaging devices and analyze medical images to detect diseases and provide accurate image to physicians for diagnoses.
In addition, students learn principles of radiation safety and precautionary measures related to their work in the radiology environment. Medical imaging is considered a vital and critical branch in medical diagnosis, and radiology and medical imaging technology play a significant role in improving healthcare and enabling physicians to make accurate decisions based on high-quality medical images with detailed information.
The program qualifies graduates to work as specialists in the field of radiologic technology in various healthcare facilities such as hospitals, healthcare centers, medical imaging centers, and clinics. Graduates can work as specialists in medical imaging technology and pursue advanced career paths in areas such as scientific research and technological development in the field of medical radiology technology.

Program information

Graduate Specifications
  1. Advanced technical knowledge in the field of diagnostic radiology.
  2. High skills in operating and understanding medical imaging devices.
  3. The ability to accurately evaluate medical images.
  4. Effective communication skills with medical teams and patients.
  5. Commitment to professional ethics and responsibility.
Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)
  1. Complete understanding of the principles of medical physics and radiology.
  2. Proficiency in using different imaging techniques.
  3. The ability to interpret medical images and reports.
  4. Awareness of safety standards and radiation protection.
Graduate jobs available
  1. Hospitals and medical centers.
  2. Radiation laboratories and diagnostic imaging centers.
  3. Research and academic institutions.
  4. Companies that manufacture and maintain radiology equipment.
  5. Governmental and private organizations related to public health.

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