Program Overview

The Master Degree in Clinical Pharmacy is awarded by the faculty of clinical pharmacy at university of 21 September. It involves theoretical courses, practical training at hospitals, and thesis. The program emphasizes developing ‎students’ clinical skills and improves their role in patient care. It is offered for pharmacists who hold the ‎bachelor degree in pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, and Pharm. D. and who wish to improve their ‎experience in clinical pharmacy. The graduate students from this program should be completed 33 credits hours.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, drug therapy, and target goals of treatment for specified disease states
  2. Equip students with applied skills, and scientific research skills in health administration, that are aimed at addressing issues of health systems and institutions at all levels.
  3. Critically evaluate the literature for the drug management of various disease states using high standards of ethics and professional skills in decision-making process
  4. Enable Clinical Pharmacists to become change agents and to meet the challenges in a changing healthcare system in the country and deliver specialized patient-centered clinical pharmacy services
  5. Improve the research skills and productivity relevant to clinical pharmacy practice
  6. Enhance self-development and collaborative practice

Program information

Graduates Attributes

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate this program, graduates will be able to

  1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of pathophysiology, sciences knowledge related to the use of medications, and internationally accepted therapeutic management guidelines to develop appropriate therapeutic decisions for disease states
  2. Define the basis of health regulations, ethics of the care, research methods, and its impact on relationship with patients and others healthcare professionals
  3. Construct a rational patient care plan, taking into consideration patient’s socioeconomic factors to improve patient’s health outcomes
  4. Critically appraise the literature to optimize medicine use in various disease states
  5. Effectively implement an individualized drug therapy and monitoring plan for patient’s treatment related problems
  6. Apply decision-making and problem-solving approaches in solving treatment related problems and enhancing clinical pharmacy professional practice
  7. Communicate accurate and reliable information to patients, public, and health care professionals
  8. Understand the skills of research process to conduct research studies and utilize the results to achieve optimal drug therapy.
Study system

The program is at least two years full time program that includes advanced theoretical and clinical training courses. The total number of credit hours to obtain a Msc degree is 33 credit hours, including courses and thesis.

Students need to complete 33 credits hours in order to obtain the Master degree

Graduate awarded

Master of Clinical Pharmacy


Dr. Ali Alyahawi

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Demonstrate solid knowledge of the pathophysiology, clinical sciences related to medicine use, and rational pharmacotherapy regimens for prevention and treatment of various diseases.
  2. Define updated therapeutic management guidelines of various diseases
  3. Understand the pharmacy/health-related regulations, research methods, ethics of care, and communication skills with patients and others healthcare professionals.

Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills

  1. Formulate a patient-specific pharmacotherapy regimen based on the patient’s specific condition to achieve patient outcomes
  2. Critically appraise the literature to optimise medicine use in various disease states

Practical and Professional Skills

  1. Practice the daily hospital-based clinical pharmacy services
  2. Implement a specific therapeutic regimen and monitoring plan for patient’s specific condition
  3. Apply evidence-based and research-based practice in solving problems related to the profession of clinical pharmacy

General and Transferable Skills

  1. Share therapeutics decisions successfully and ethically with patients, public, and health care professionals.
  2. Develop a critical understanding of the research process by undertaking an in-depth piece of research in an area relevant to clinical pharmacy practice to achieve maximum clinical effectiveness

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