Nursing is a specialized field that focuses on providing healthcare and care for individuals and communities. Nurses work to diagnose and treat patients, provide primary and emergency care, administer medications, perform medical and nursing procedures, and offer guidance and advice to patients and their families on health and disease prevention.

Nurses work in hospitals, healthcare centers, clinics, schools, and other healthcare institutions. They deal with a diverse range of patients, including children, adults, the elderly, people with disabilities, and those with mental health conditions.

Nursing requires various skills, such as medical and nursing knowledge, the ability to communicate and interact effectively with patients and their families, and the capacity to handle emergencies and make quick, appropriate decisions. Nursing is also considered a profession that demands the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

Program information

Graduate Attributes

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate nursing program, graduates will be able to

  1. Used Nursing assessment and diagnosis for individuals, families, groups, and the community, as a basis for planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care.
  2. Used Problem-based education as a means of discovering and directing nursing care.
  3. Integrates information received from public education, research findings, evidence-based practices, problem-based education, theories, and technology into the implementation of the professional nursing role.
  4. Uses his administrative competence and his supervisory skill in coordinating between the various medical specialties in hospital departments and outpatient clinics.
  5. Carries out research and studies in various fields and uses the results of research to improve the quality of medical services.
  6. Demonstrates effective communication and skill in cooperating with patients and with the medical team in order to improve health care services
  7. Exercises his nursing duties within the framework of the nursing charter, professional conduct and standards of practice, and within the limits of the law
Certificate awarded

Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Science

Available Jobs

Registered Nurse

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Recognize the knowledge from nursing science, other sciences and disciplines to make judgments relative to the practice of nursing that is based on research findings and evidence.
  2. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of nursing theory and management principles in providing nursing care to client across the lifespan, and in all healthcare settings
  3. Identify the acute and chronic illness, and its effects on the bio-psychosocial functioning of individuals, families, and groups.
  4. Synthesize theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience into nursing practice

Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills

  1. Demonstrate skills in critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making in the use of the nursing process in a variety of healthcare settings.
  2. Value the ideal of lifelong learning to support excellence in nursing practice
  3. Utilize awareness, interest and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession
  4. Implement holistic, evidenced-based, safe patient-centered care across the health illness continuum, across the lifespan, and in all healthcare settings

Practical and Professional Skills

  1. Practice as a professional nurse to facilitate human need fulfillment of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations across the lifespan in a variety of healthcare settings
  2. Apply concepts and skills of leadership, management, quality improvement and patient safety in the delivery of high-quality therapeutic nursing interventions for individuals, families, groups, communities
  3. Intervene therapeutically to promote, restore, and maintain the health of individuals, families, groups, and communities
  4. Provide health education to improve the health of the individuals, families, groups, and communities

General and Transferable Skills

  1. Communicate effectively with individuals and groups and members of the health team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationships and teamwork
  2. Demonstrate professional, ethical, moral, legal, and spiritual concepts into one’s practice within a global environment
  3. Conduct research to improve nursing and health services qualities by integrating theory into nursing practice
  4. Deliver compassionate, patient – centered, evidence – based care that respects patient and family
Study Plan

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