The duration of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in the program is 5 years of study (5 levels of study achieved) plus one year of compulsory “excellence” training (5+1).
The study is divided into two study stages:

  • The first stage (the pre-clinical stage) includes the first, second and third levels, during which the human body’s systems are studied as units of study (blocks), in addition to university requirements and other courses taught longitudinally.
  • The second stage (clinical stage), which includes the fourth and fifth levels, during which clinical medical sciences courses are studied.
    After the student successfully passes the blocks and courses of the two stages, the student is sent for training for the “internship year” (12 months) in hospitals and health centers approved by the College Council. Upon completion, the graduate is awarded a bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery.

Program information

Graduate Attributes

Upon successful completion of this program, graduates will be able to

  1. Healthcare provider: providing patient-centered high-quality care efficiently, effectively and safely within their defined scope and limits of their expertise and within the context of healthcare system.
  2. Professional: Adhering to ethical, professional, and legal standards, demonstrating a commitment to the patients, profession and society, and to their wellbeing and lifelong personal and professional development.
  3. Scholar: Using the medical knowledge and health research to meet the needs of patients, healthcare system, and society.
  4. Health Advocate: contributing to prevent illness and promote the health and well-being of their patients, and society.
  5. Communicator & Collaborator: Communicating effectively with patients and their families, healthcare team and the society, and collaborating inter professionally, working as both a team member and a leader.
Certificate awarded

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS)

Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

After successfully completing the program’s courses, the graduate will be able to

A – Knowledge and understanding
  1. Describe the general and basic sciences related to human body structure and functions with emphasis on normal and abnormal conditions.
  2. Identify the progress of human body through all stages of development, alteration of structure and function during these stages and indication for surgical or non-surgical intervention and the role of treatment in healing or curing the diseases.
  3. Explain the pathological and pathogenesis changes in various diseases, and their etiological triggers including genetic, developmental, infectious, metabolic, endocrinal, autoimmune, neoplastic, traumatic, degenerative and occupational factors.
  4. Recognize the local and international guidelines, ethics, disease management, prevention and other risk factors that affect community health.
B – Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
  1. Compare between normal and abnormal conditions and predict the appropriate treatment or intervention.
  2. Analyze and interpret the finding from history, clinical examination and investigations to propose a diagnosis and develop a shared management plan for common acute, chronic and urgent physical and mental health presentations.
  3. Explore to medical practice the principles, method and knowledge of population health and the improvement of health and healthcare
C – Practical and Professional Skills
  1. Perform complete clinical examination and precise investigations to reach the final diagnosis
  2. Prescribe appropriate drugs taking in mind the benefits, side effects, interactions, safety and availability.
  3. Carry out routine medical procedure and demonstrate the ability of using common medical tools required for diagnosis and management with highly qualified competency.
D – General or Transferable Skills
  1. Communicate with professionals, patients, their families and the community through verbal, written and other non-verbal means.
  2. Work individually or in a team and develop lifelong learning using up to date technology that help in understanding the diseases and its control and prevention.
  3. Respect the different cultural beliefs, ethics, personalities, privacy and values for patients and community with a good behavior and follow the institutional and national roles of medical practice
Jobs Opportunities

General Doctor

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