○Rajab 15, 1445
●Sana’a – Under the auspices of His Excellency minister of higher education Mr. Hussien Hazeb and His Excellency the rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar, a training workshop on mehodology of preparing exam and student evaluation based on learning outcomes was held today by academic accreditation council at ministry of higher education and center of quality and academic development at the university.
The workshop was attended by His Excellency rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar who underlined the importance of widening the horizons of the staff in mechanism of preparing exams based on methodology of achieving education process objectives. Professor Measar praised the attention paid by academic accreditation council that prepared the items related to requirements of the council and the standards of WFME that would be materialized in the medical and applied field. The items and themes of the workshop were reviewed and explained by professional experts who provided theoretical presentation followed by pactical side…