Today, the 21st September University for Medical and Applied Sciences concluded the first training course entitled (Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – Life Support Skills), which was held by the Continous Education Center at the Deanship of Environment and Community Service for two days, under the auspices of His Excellency the university rector , Prof. Dr. Mojahid Mesa’r.

The course in which 53 male and female trainees from university and community centers and colleges participated, aimed at developing the trainees’ skills related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which are called life support skills.

The second day of the course, the training was carried out on the applied and practical aspects, in which the trainer of the course, Dr. Majdi Halboub, relied on the training plan and methodology for the series of rescue and rapid response developed for the year 2022, which the trainees were able to master under his direct supervision, and through which each trainee was able to execute the steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a proper manner, as well as implementing five cycles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation within two minutes, at a rate of 120 compressions per minute, 2:30 every 15 seconds, which was done in limited time using a stopwatch with each trainee.

The trainees expressed their satisfaction with the theoretical and practical experiences they benefited from basic CPR knowledge and skills through this course.
At the end, the participants were honored , taking participation certificates of Basic CPR.