Sana’a – 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences published the first issue of the second volume (2023) of the journal, which is a semi-annual peer-reviewed scientific journal specializing in the medical and applied fields and registered under the international identification number, both electronic and paper (EISSN 2958-5937, ISSN 2958 -5929),
It is considered the first refereed scientific journal at the university and is published in English and Arabic. The editor-in-chief of the journal, Dr. Abdel-Elah Thabet, said that the first issue of the second volume (2023) of the refereed journal is being published and supervised by His Excellency the rector of the university – head of supreme medical council Professor  Mojahed Ali Measar and the journal editorship headed by vice rector for academic affairs, Professor Mutaia Abu Oraij, and managed by an elite group of specialized academic and technical staff. The journal is considered a new step to enhance the fields of scientific research, explaining that the journal is related to publishing scientifically research and reviews in the applied and theoretical aspects of the various fields of medical and applied sciences.

He added that the journal is an addition to knowledge and innovation in addressing many problems facing health care systems, whether in relation to medical education, health policies, public health, or research in pharmaceutical and clinical sciences and basic sciences related to diseases. It will also achieve – God willing –  added value to the medical field. It amounts to the leading role of the university in the field of education, medical research and community service at the level of Yemen and the region in general.

The managing editor explained that the journal aims to continue professional development for all medical specialties through publishing various scientific research related to contemporary topics in medical sciences and basic science research. He added that the essays published in the journal include distinguished research in all fields of clinical practice, medical education, and public health, health policy, and general topics of interest to the biomedical research community.

Dr. Thabet noted that the journal publishes several types of essays including clinical and basic biomedical research. He stressed that the journal is available in paper and electronically on the journal’s  website (, ensuring its wider dissemination.