Sana’a – 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences published the first issue (vol.1) of its journal. It is a half-yearly refereed scientific journal specialized in the medical and applied fields. It is also the first refereed scientific journal of the university, published in English and Arabic languages.

The managing editor of the journal, Dr. Abdulellah Thabet, said that the first issue of the journal was supervised by His Excellency the rector of the university, Prof. Mojahed Ali Measar, vice rector for academic affairs – editor in chief, Prof. Mutaia Abu-Oraij and a select group of specialized academic and technical staff.He added that the publication of the journal is a new step to enhance the fields of scientific research.

Dr. Thabet clarified that the journal is meant for disseminating the original research in medical, theoretical and applied fields. It is also a qualitative addition to knowledge and innovation of addressing the problems of the health care systems in medical education, health policy, public health, clinical and pharmaceutical research and pathology.

In addition, the journal tends towards continuous professional development in the medical field, through which a lot of different scientific research studies are disseminated.

Dr. Thabet said that the journal would disseminate a lot of different essays, including medical and bio-clinical research papers. He emphasized that the journal is available in electronic and paper versions, and electronically, anyone can join the website of the journal through the following link (

It is worth noting that the journal is supervised by national and international editorial board, and specialized refereeing committee. So the first issue included five research papers conducted by researchers from different universities, as well as abstracts of the fourth Yemeni conference on neurosurgery.

To add, the editorial board of the journal extended an open invitation to researchers anywhere to submit or send their scientific articles or research papers for publication in the journal.

To sum up, On the occasion of publishing the first issue, the journal got the international code(ISSN) in paper and electronic versions, in addition to indexing it in the Global Health database – CABI, MEDLINE database, PubMed ,Google Scholar, networking link system of ministry of higher education and scientific research, a number of different specialized medical and applied indices and the digital identifier DOI.