June 14, 2022

Sana’a – The vice-rector for academic affairs at 21 September University, Professor Mutaia Abu-Orij, inspected the progress of the final theoretical and practical exams for the second semester of the academic year 2021 – 2022. He was accompanied by the assistant of the rector for academic affairs – the dean of the faculty of medical administration professor Jameel Mojali, Dr. Nawal Al-Hanhana – assistant of vice-rector for higher Studies, dean of the faculty of clinical pharmacy – Prof. Abdul-Malik Abu Donia, dean of the faculty of laboratory medicine – Prof. Ibtisam Mahdi Al-Zubaidi, deputy dean of the faculty of clinical pharmacy for student affairs – Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Sabari, Dr. Abdel-EIlah Thabet – deputy dean of the faculty of clinical pharmacy for academic affairs, and Dr. Jamil Abdulmoqni -deputy dean of the college of laboratory medicine.