Dhul Hijjah 3, 1444 AH

Sana’a – With participation and supervision of His Excellency the rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar and His Excellency minister of health Professor Taha Al-Matawakkel, the ministry of health and medical council organized an expanded meeting about the medical errors, legal responsibility for practices and professional ethics, participated by 400 staff from different medical institutions.

At the opening of the meeting, a number of speeches were given by head of supreme judicial council Judge Ahmed Al-Matawakkel, deputy of the parliament speaker Abdulsalam Dahshoush, head of the supreme court Essam Al-Samawi, minister of health Professor Taha Al-Matawakkel , minister of justice Judge Nabeel Al-Azzani , head of supreme medical council and rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar, stressing the importance of protecting the rights of patients, and retaining the dignity of the medical practitioner, and develop the profession.
They speeches pointed out how to build a consensus on the concept of medical error, its types, knowledge of its causes, definition of the procedures of accountability, investigation, emergency and grievance (complaints) committees, setting a general framework for the policy of reducing medical errors, and defining legislation related to the practice of the profession and medical responsibility.

The meeting had two sessions in which the first one, chaired by head of the supreme judicial council and co-chaired by minister of health and deputy head of the medical council, discussed two papers including the medical errors, accountability and investigation procedures.

On the other hand, the second session, chaired by head of the supreme court and co-chaired by the head of the medical council Professor Mojahed Measar and the head of the bar association, Abdullah Rajeh, discussed three papers, the first dealt with medical errors globally and regionally, and policies to reduce them, and the second dealt with the ethics of the medical and health profession, while the third reviewed the legislation of medical and health professions and medical liability.

Thus, the participants emphasized the importance of coming up with a comprehensive definition of medical error, how to deal with it, the experiences of countries to reduce it, knowledge of the general framework for the policy of reducing medical errors, adherence to the ethics and behavior of the medical profession and health professions, in addition to creating a general consensus to ensure the protection of patients’ rights, retaining the dignity of medical and health staff, and developing the clinical training institutions in accordance with accreditation and quality standards.