Rajab 26, 1444 AH.

Sana’a – A medical delegation, headed by His Excellency the rector of 21 September University -head of the Supreme Medical Council Professor Mojahed Ali Measar, visited Kamaran island, Hodaidah province, today.
His Excellency the rector of the university – head of the council along with Professor Yahya Al-Hadi, head of continuous learning committee at the medical council, and accompanying delegation inspected a number of health centers and dispensaries in the island.

Professor Measar heard from the director of Kamaran district Abdu Madani and director of health bureau a detailed explanation of the services provided by health facilities and the difficulties they experience in their jobs. They indicated that there is lack of specialized staff in the island, and the islanders are in need of a rural hospital. They also added that there is a growing need for departments of obstetrics, emergencies and operating theaters so as to ease the burden on people who go to hospitals of the city by by sea especially in times of high tides and bad weather.

Professor Measar stressed 21 September University’s readiness to provide unpaid scholarships for the inhabitants of Kamaran island in the rare fields such as general medicine, labs, pharmacy, anaesthetics and midwifery.