Sana’a – His Excellency the rector of the university – head of the supreme medical council Prof. Mojahed Ali Measar participated in the event of launching the consultative meeting with the owners and boards of trustees of the private universities. The meeting was about fulfilling the foundation requirements that were launched today by the council of academic accreditation and ensuring quality in Sana’a.

At the event, Mr. Hussien Hazeb, the minister of higher education and scientific research confirmed that the consultative meetings have taken place to embody the real partnership with the owners and boards of trustees of private universities at home or aboard, and to meet them through “Zoom” live broadcast technology to discuss issues related to fulfilling the foundation requirements, standards and criteria for obtaining local and international accreditation.

Mr. Hazeb touched on the regulations and duties of the boards of trustees that were represented in making up the investment policy within the general policy of the state as well as approving those regulations, plans and budget for organizing the work.

Mr. Hazeb also noted that the rectors of the universities have the full authority to solidify the principle of the institutional work.