Muharram 29, 1445 AH

Sana’a- His Excellency the Prime Minister – head of the Supreme Council for Higher Education, Prof. Abdulaziz Saleh bin Habtoor, praised the academic, educational and developmental achievements and gains achieved by 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences, despite its recent inception. That took place during his launching the new academic year 1445- 2023/2024 at faculties of the university. He chaired the first university board meeting of the new academic year 1445 AH.

The Prime Minister thanked the rector of the university, Prof. Mojahed Measar, vice-rectors, deans of the faculties, all the officials of the university , the academic, administrative and technical staff for their efforts to achieve the distinguished success story of this university.

The most prominent points included in the speech of the Prime Minister, Prof. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, about 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences are summarized as follows:

-It was able to make a qualitative leap in light of the war and the blockade.

-It represented the issue of internal academic cohesion, as it included academic staff from different Yemeni regions without discrimination.

For his part, His Excellency the rector of 21 Septenber University – head of Supreme Medical Council, Prof. Mojahed Measar, praised the support of the Prime Minister for 21 September University, which was established under difficult economic conditions as a result of aggression, siege and lack of capabilities. He pointed to the steadfastness of the academic and administrative staff of the university in performing the educational mission of the university despite the lack of budgets and salaries, leading to the graduation of the first batch of the faculty of medicine, consisting of 511 doctors. To add, two upcoming batches in the same specialty will provide the medical field with more than one thousand and five hundred doctors, in addition to the continuation of studies in the field of postgraduate studies, masters and doctorates.

Professor Measar appreciated the Prime Minister’s visit to the university and his chairmanship of the first university board meeting as well as the inauguration of the new academic year 1445 AH, which gives motivation and incentive to staff to raise the level of the educational and academic process to ensure obtaining qualitative outputs that meet the needs of the labor market. He touched on what distinguished 21 September University as the first specialized medical university in Yemen. His Excellency the Prime Minister visited the various facilities of the university to see the progress of the educational process.