Sana’a – Under the auspices of His Excellency Prof. Mojahed Ali Measar, rector of 21 September University, The faculty of medical administration launched today the discussion session of graduation researches for the third batch students.The session was attended by Prof. Jameel Ahsan Majali – dean of the faculty, deputy dean for student affairs – Dr. Sadiq Al-Sodae , deputy dean for quality affairs -D. Mohammed Al-Shamahi, dean of the development and quality assurance center – Dr. Monir Al-Wasabi, Dr. Youssef Al-Makhrafi and the staff of the faculty. The researchers made presentation of their research. It was being discussed fruitfully to enhance their knowledge, assess their level, and educational benefits they had during conducting their research studies.So, the research of the first group entitled, ” Environmental Impact Assessment on 21 Septemer Medical City”; whereas the second group research entitled, ” The Study of Architectural Design and Engineering Specifications for 21 September Medical and Educational City”.To sum up,this excellence is a series of successes that have been achieved by 21 September University under the distinguished leadership of His Excellency Professor Mojahed Measar, the rector of the university.