Dhul-Hijjah 27, 1444 AH

Dhul Hijjah 27, 1444 AH

Sana’a – Under the auspices of His Excellency the rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar and under the supervision of of dean of faculty of laboratory medicine Professor Ibtisam Al-Zabeedi, the graduation ceremony of fourth batch at faculty of laboratory medicine was held today by a number of 61 graduates. 24 male students and 37 female students.

In the event which was attended by dean of higher nursing Professor Abdul-Hameed Al-Thaifani  deputy dean of faculty of laboratory medicine for quality affairs Professor Jamil Taher Abdulmogni, secretary-general of the faculty Dr. Moath Al-Safani and a number of the staff, dean of faculty of laboratory medicine Professor Ghamdan Al-Tahesh gave a speech. He thanked the graduates and wished them the best for the sake of serving the homeland. He also thanked the leadership of the university represented by His Excellency the rector of the university Professor Mojahed Measar who is the patron of the success achieved in the university.