○Rajab 16, 1445

●Sana’a – With the participation of faculty of clinical pharmacy, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched today the annual educational competition,1445, of Yemeni universities, participated by 29 state and private universities, represented by 350 male and female students, who will participate in the competition in the specified specializations for a period of three days.

The university team consist of five students and the competition is held as a part of the framework of national vision projects to establish the Yemeni state under the slogan (Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad) in four specializations: dentistry, general pharmacy, Sharia and law and English language.

It is worth mentioning that the university team participated in the competition under the directives of His Excellency the university rector, Professor Mojahed Ali Measar, in the field of pharmacy, among 12 universities that participated in today’s competition, which aims to motivate students to be diligent and to discover new experiences, knowledge, talented people, work to develop their skills, enhance and improve the their academic level, create a spirit of fair competition among them, develop relations among them and universities, and solidify national unity as they are from all regions of the Republic of Yemen.