In This Issue

  • Epidemiological Situation of Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis in Yemen: A Descriptive Study in the Period from January 2017 to December 2022 Abuarij, Al-Agbari.
  • Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Triamcinolone Injection in the Treatment of Cystoid Macular Edema Taresh, et al.
  • Evaluation of Prophylactic Anticoagulants Application Practice for High-Risk Surgical Patients at Al-Thawra Hospital, Sana’a Beshr, and Al-Selwi.
  • The Pattern and Distribution of Risk Factors of Stroke among Yemeni Patients at USTH and Al-Gumhori Teaching Hospital in Sana’a City, Yemen Mojahed, AL-hobaishi.
  • Breast Self-Examination in Terms of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Female Laboratory Students in 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences Shaher, et al.
  • Extraventricular Intraparenchymal Choroid Plexus Carcinoma in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report Shamsaldin, et al.
  • Application of AI-Driven 3D Smile Design (REBEL) in Patient-Centered Prosthetic Treatment: A Case Report (Case 3).Alhamzi, et al.

# Epidemiological Situation of Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis in Yemen: A Descriptive Study in the Period from January 2017 to December 2022

Mutaia Abdullah Abuarij, Amal Mohammed Al-Agbari

Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is endemic in all regions of Yemen, but the trueincidence of the disease is not well known. Its burden is underestimated because many cases arenot registered. The disease needs careful diagnosis as its manifestations overlap with many otherconditions.
Objective: To determine the epidemiological situation of mucocutaneous leishmania in Yemenduring the period from January 2017 to December 2022.
Results: The study included 3306 cases of CL. Males represented 60% (n=1984). Patients under5-year-old accounted for 13% (n=430), those between 5 and 15 years accounted for 31%(n=1024), and those above 1 5 years represented 56% (ne l 852).Regarding annual rate of cases registered through 6 years; from 2017 to 2022, they weredistributed as follows: 17.2% (n=567), 19.9% (n=657), 14.2% (n 470), 12.9% (n=425) 18%(n=597), and 17.8% (n=590) respectively. The load of cases was concentrated in Sana’aGovernorate (28.2%) and the Secretariat (21.7%), followed by Thamar (8.9%), Amran (7.8%),Ibb (5%), Hajjah (4.2%), Almahweet (4%), Taiz (3.4%), Albaidaha (3.1 %), Raymah (3.1 %),Aljawf (2.9%), and Aldhale’a (2.5%). Most patients (97.5%; n=3225) presented by cutaneouslesions while 2.5% (n=81) had mucocutaneous lesions. In regard to phenotype, 52% (n=1719) ofcases presented with ulcerative crusty lesions, 20.4% (n=675) presented as papulonodular, 12.2%(n=402) presented as plaques, 9.4% (n=311) presented as impetigo form, and 2.5% (n=81)presented as mucocutaneous.
Conclusion: Cutaneous leishmaniasis have been registered in almost all governorates andconcentrated in northwest and central region of Yemen. An effective strategy for the control ofleishmaniasis should be adopted by the national health authorities.
Keywords: Cutaneous Leishmania, Sand fly, Neglected disease, Skin disease, Yemen


# Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Triamcinolone Injection in the Treatment of Cystoid Macular Edema

Nabil Taresh, Talal Haider, Basma Al-Refai

Cystoid Macular Edema (CME) is a major concern for global vision health, often resulting in distorted vision due to fluid accumulation in the macula. Intravitreal Triamcinolone (IVT) injections have emerged as a promising treatment, reducing macular thickening and improving visual acuity. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of IVT injections in treating CME triggered by various diseases and improving visual acuity. The study included 20 eyes of 12 patients with CME associated with conditions such as diabetic mellitus type II, pseudophakia, central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), Aphakia, retinitis pigmentosa, and panuveitis. A reduced dose of IVT was administered to mitigate corticosteroid-related complications. Each patient received a single IVT injection of triamcinolone acetate. The initial findings indicated the efficacy of IVT injections in managing CME, particularly in cases related to diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, and central retinal vein occlusion. The study provided valuable insights into the efficacy of IVT injections in managing CME across diverse disease conditions, with observed improvements in visual acuity and resolution of CME.
Keywords: Macular Edema, Steroids, Triamcinolone


# Evaluation of Prophylactic Anticoagulants Application Practice for High-Risk Surgical Patients at Al-Thawra Hospital, Sana’a

Akram Ahmed Beshr and Abdulhafed Al-Selwi

Background: Through clinical practice, it has been noticed that the number of patients who had DVT and PE during their hospital admission period has increased, especially among high-risk surgical patients. Physicians may not be aware of or may not consistently use up-to-date evidence-based prevention guidelines. There is an abundance of evidence documenting the underutilization of prophylactic measures in hospitalized patients.
Objective: The study aimed to determine the percentage of prophylactic anticoagulant application for high-risk surgical patients.
Methods: A retrospective observational research approach was followed using a special questionnaire. Data were collected from files of patients with high risk for VTE who were admitted to the Orthopedic, Gynecological and Neurosurgical surgical departments at Al-Thawra hospital, Sana’a, during the period from 1/1/2014 to 31/12/2014. All selected patient’s files were screened for sociodemographic characteristics, other risk factors of DVT, and medications list.
Results: A total of 99 patients files were enrolled in the study, which were divided into 33 patients for every department (Orthopedic, Gynecological and Neurosurgical). The results showed that 68% of the studied high-risk surgical patients were given prophylactic anticoagulants and the percentages of prophylactic anticoagulants application in each department (Orthopedic, Gynecological and Neurosurgical) were 60.6%, 72.7% and 69.7%, respectively. In the Orthopedic department, 66.6% of the patients were male while in the Neurosurgical department 72.7% of the patients were male. Patients younger than 40 years old in the Orthopedic, Gynecological and Neurosurgical departments were 18.2%, 51.5% & 42.4% respectively.
Conclusion: According to the current study findings, the percentage of prophylactic anticoagulants application for high-risk surgical patient was low in comparison with that of the developed countries, such as Germany 92%, Hungary 87%, Spain 82% and Switzerland 81%.
Keywords: High-Risk Surgical Patients, Prophylactic Anticoagulants


# The Pattern and Distribution of Risk Factors of Stroke among Yemeni Patients at USTH and Al-Gumhori Teaching Hospital in Sana’a City, Yemen

Abdulwasi Mojahed, Kholood AL-hobaishi

Background: Strokes are a heterogeneous group of disorders involving sudden and focal interruption of cerebral blood flow that causes neurologic deficit.
Aim: This study aimed to assess the distribution of risk factors of stroke among Yemeni patients diagnosed at University of Science & Technology Hospital (USTH) & AL-Gumhuri Hospital in Sana’a City, Yemen.
Methodology: This study was descriptive cross-sectional. It include161 stroke patients in Al-Gumhori Hospital and USTH, Sana’a, April, 2022. The sample was selected by a simple randomized method. Demographic data included personal data, age, gender, social habits (such as chewing Qat), smoking, medical history, the type of stroke…etc. Data were collected from the participants through interviews of close and open-ended questionnaires. The statistical program (SPSS version 23) was used in data analysis, including frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and p-value.
Results: The total number of participants in this study was 161. The findings showed that the stroke type of about three fourths of the participants (73.3%) was Ischemic, 19.9% were of Hemorrhage, and only 2.5% were of TIA. The findings also showed that about two thirds of perticipants (64.6%) were male and about half of them (47.2%) were between the age of 45 to 64 years. The average of age was 59.08, of which 65.8% have HTN, 37.9% of the patients reported to have Diabetes Miletus, the average of Triglyceride was 128.01(56.97) where 17.4% of them have Triglyceride greater than 150. HDL cholesterol average was (36.21(13.30), LDL cholesterol average was 102.0(33.6), HTN,as stroke risk factor, gets more prevalent as patients get older and older (p<0.05). DM is more associated with ages above 45 years (p<0.05). The findings revealed that while hypertension and DM are two significant risk factors of Hemorrhagic stroke type, hypertension is significantly associated with risk factors of Ischemic stroke type (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Prevalence of stroke in males was almost twice high than in females. The age-specific prevalence showed a gradual rising trend with increasing age. The most common risk factors observed among stroke patients are Hypertension, then dyslipidemia, tobacco use, diabetes, and ischemic heart disease, respectively.
Keywords: Risk Factors, Stroke, Stroke Patients


# Breast Self-Examination in Terms of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Female Laboratory Students in 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences

Muneera Shaher Abdulrub, Abdul Al-Fattah Altam, Nadeem Ali Ismail

Background: Breast self-examination (BSE) is simple, very low-cost, and noninvasive, with no special material/tool requirements. It is an effective diagnostic method for breast cancer that takes only five minutes to apply.
Aim of the Study: This study aimed to assess the level of BSE knowledge, attitude, and practice among female laboratory students in 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences.
Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional research method was used for conducting the study on a random sample of 100 female laboratory students selected from 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences. Data collected from the participants included their socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge level of BSE, attitude towards BSE, and practice level of BSE via a scale developed by the researchers. A pilot study was carried out to attain the validity of data.
Results: The results disclosed that 15% of the respondents had good overall knowledge of BSE, for which the major source of information about BSE (54.2%) was mass media. The findings also revealed that 75% of the participants had a positive attitude towards BSE, and 4% of them practice BSE every month, consistently. In addition, a significant difference between age and academic level was found in relation to the knowledge of BSE. At the same time, there was a significant difference between overall knowledge and practice of BSE (P=0.000).
Conclusion: The study outcomes unveiled that most female laboratory students at 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences have poor knowledge about BSE and do not perform BSE. Mass media is considered an important source of information about BSE to improve awareness among the community.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Breast self-exam, University students


# Extraventricular Intraparenchymal Choroid PlexusCarcinoma in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report

Mohamed Shamsaldin, Adnan Ghanem, Noofel Al-Ashhab, Sakhr Al-Faqih1Abdulghani Al-Aswadi, Mojahed Me’asar

Background: This article reports a case of intraparenchymal, supratentorial, extraventricular choroid plexus carcinoma (CPC) in a pediatric patient.
Case Report: A 10-year-old girl presented with a 4-month history of chronic progressive headache, left hemiparesis, urine incontinence and blurry vision that deteriorated later to a complete blindness. A brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated an intra-axial combined cystic and solid mass in the right frontal lobe with calcified foci. A gross total resection was performed followed by chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. The histopathological examination revealed the diagnosis of CPC. On serial MRI, a small newly developed focal enhanced recurrent lesion in the right frontal lobe, anteromedially to the previous surgical bed was identified after one year of follow-up .
Conclusion: This case reports the importance of early surgical management and continuous monitoring of extra- ventricular CPC by serial MRI to treat any recurrent lesion very early .
Keywords: choroid plexus carcinoma, pediatric, extraventricular, intraparenchymal.


# Application of AI-Driven 3D Smile Design (REBEL) in Patient-Centered Prosthetic Treatment: A Case Report (Case 3)

Mohsen Ali Alhamzi, Soumia Ali Al-Maghreby, Abdulwahab Ismail Al-kholani, Anas Abdulwahab Al-kholani, Basheer Hamed Al-Shamer

A smile is more than just pearly whites. A unique combination of shapes, textures, and colors speaks volumes about a person. Dentists are moving beyond traditional methods to create “smile designs” that consider not just biology and function, but also aesthetics and emotional expression. This holistic approach creates a harmonious smile, the “fifth dimension,” that reflects a person’s personality and boosts their confidence. A beautiful smile isn’t just about looks; it’s about empowering a person to function better socially and psychologically.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Smile Design, REBEL/ visagSMile software, Esthetic Dentistry.
