June 27, 2022Sana’a -The training workshop, on modern orientations in medical education – practical applications for academic staff, was concluded today. It was organized by the faculty of medicine in cooperation with the computer and information technology center. The workshop, in which Dr. Mohammed Abdul Lateef Al-Sharjabi was the trainer, was focused on reviewing and implementing the most important practical applications by the participants of the academic staff at the faculty of medicine, including the subjects of education based on presentations, videos, flipped classes, and medical games , simulation method and other applications, as well as a number of related training activities.The two-day-workshop, which was inaugurated by His Excellency the rector of the university, Prof. Mojahed Ali Measar, and under the supervision of the dean of the faculty of Medicine, Prof. Salwa Saleh Al- Qumairi, aimed to provide the academic staff in the faculty of medicine with thorough knowledge and skills of the modern orientations in medical education.So the first day of the workshop, which targeted 70-academic-staff, focused on using international frameworks in the competence of the doctor as guidelines for medical education, in addition to the themes of education based on the acquisition of medical competencies.