News of Postgraduate studies and scientific research

Launching Clinical Exams of Master Program of Respiratory Care
Launching Clinical Exams of Master Program of Respiratory Care

Safar 17, 1445 AH. Sana’a -Under the auspices of His Excellency the rector of the university, Prof. Mojahed Ali Measar, the vice-rectorship for graduate studies and scientific research inaugurated today clinical exams

Board of Graduate Studies Holds Its Third Regular Meeting
Board of Graduate Studies Holds Its Third Regular Meeting

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1444 AH Sana’a – The board of graduate studies held its third regular meeting chaired by Professor Salim Al-Riyashi, vice-rector for graduate studies. In the meeting which was attended by dean

21 September University Participates In  A Meeting Designed To Discuss Postgraduate Programs At Private And State Universities
21 September University Participates In  A Meeting Designed To Discuss

Ramadan 11, 1444 AH Sana’a – The vice rector for graduate studies and scientific research Professor Salim Al-Reyashi, his assistant Professor Faris Al Qaderi and director general of graduate studies Mr. Moeen

Specification Committee of Medical Doctorate Program(MD)Convenes its Kick-off Meeting, Chaired by His Excellency Rector of the University
Specification Committee of Medical Doctorate Program(MD)Convenes its Kick-off Meeting, Chaired

Ramadan 4, 1444 AH. Sana’a – His Excellency the rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar chaired today the kick-off meeting of the specification committee of medical doctorate program. In the meeting

Board of Graduate Studies Holds Its Second Regular Meeting, 1444 AH.
Board of Graduate Studies Holds Its Second Regular Meeting, 1444

Sha’ban 13, 1444 AH. Sana’a – The board of graduate studies held its second regular meeting today, 1444 AH. They discussed a number of issues on the agenda of the meeting and adopted the right decisions following deliberations.