Safar 3, 1444 AH.

Sana’a – In the presence of His Excellency the rector of the university, Prof. Mojahed Ali Measar, dean of the faculty of medicine, Prof. Salwa Saleh Al-Quaimiri, dean of the center development and quality assurance, Dr. Muneer Al-Wasabi, and deputy dean of the faculty of medicine, Dr. Mohammed Al-Eryani, 21 September University for Medical and Applied Sciences participated today in the work of the scientific symposium on “the reality of medical education in Yemen in light of the requirements of international bodies for international accreditation,” which was organized by the council of academic accreditation and quality assurance, within the framework of technical support agreements with Yemeni universities.
The minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Hussein Hazeb, the minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel, the deputy minister of Higher Education, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, the undersecretaries of the ministry, Dr. Sadiq Al-Sharaji, Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Roudi, the assistant undersecretary Dr. Ilham Al-Sanabani, and the chairman of the Academic Accreditation Councils, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haboub, the rectors of Yemeni and private universities and the deans of medical faculties in Yemeni universities participated in the symposium that aimed to identify the reality of medical education in Yemen and the challenges facing its development in the light of the requirements of international accreditation bodies, and to identify the most prominent international bodies concerned with the accreditation of medical education programs and review the most prominent international evidence related to bodies of recognition and medical accreditation and extract the most prominent requirements accreditation of medical colleges for the year 2023-2024 AD.

The symposium included four topics: