● Rabi II 7, 1445

○Sana’a – His Excellency the rector of the university Professor Mojahed Ali Measar and dean of faculty of medicine Professor Salwa Al-Qumairi inspected today BA practical exams of first batch students (surgery) at faculty of medicine.
They visited the hospitals at Capital Secrerariat for inspecting the exam process. They were accompanied by deputy dean for deputy dean for student affairs Dr. Ahmed Mubarek and secretary general of the faculty Mr. Abdul-Kareem Al-Akhali.

In a statement to the media unit at faculty of medicine, the dean of faculty of medicine Professor Salwa Al-Qumairi stated that the exam process of BA has been going smoothly for the sake of gettingstudents do their practical exams in good environment.

Faculty of Medicine

21 September UMAS

A Bridge from Education to Learning
