Program Overview

The program provides students a broad background in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and techniques used in advanced researches in the field. It is offered for laboratory medicine students who hold the bachelor degree in Laboratory Medicine or Diagnostic Medicine. The graduate students from this program should be completed 38 credits hours

Program Objectives

  1. Produce health science professionals and in-depth Biochemistry and Molecular Biology knowledge of different metabolic, cellular, and genetic disorders
  2. Provide our candidate with the ability to apply different and recent molecular biological and genetic techniques
  3. Improve the research skills and productivity relevant to clinical biochemistry and practice
  4. Enhance self-development and collaborative practice
  5. Promote leadership and teamwork to deliver high-quality health care services
  6. Provide opportunities to gain research capacity and publish scientific relevant studies

Program information

Graduates Attributes

Upon successful completion of an undergraduate this program, graduates will be able to

  1. Deep discipline advanced knowledge in the fields of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  2. Independence of critical and analytical thinking, both within their field of study, and beyond for the use of their knowledge for service to others.
  3. Ability to identify and suggest possible solutions to ethical dilemmas that occur in their work and field of study, and understand the importance of professional ethics in all aspects of scientific communication and laboratory work.
  4. Leadership and competency in the laboratory, including application of the scientific method and appropriate use of basic and state of the art laboratory tools and techniques.
  5. Professional written and oral skills necessary for communication of research, knowledge, and ideas to scientists and non-scientists alike.
Study system

Semester system

The program is at least two years full time program that includes advanced theoretical for two semesters and Research work for at least a year. The total number of credit hours to obtain a MSc degree is 38 credit hours, including courses and thesis.

Graduate awarded

Master of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


Assistant. Prof. Dr. Nawal Al-Henhena

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Understand the basic Specific knowledge in medical Biochemistry and molecular biology, including molecular genetics and immunology, cellular, and DNA technology coupled with hands on skills and leadership skills for a successful career.
  2. Describe the important mechanisms of cellular, molecular genetics and immunology disorders, eliminated, clarify treatment and outcomes of deseases with emphasis on cellular and molecular genetics
  3. List the key considerations and principles in the planning and design of a study on the basis of statistical methods.
  4. Identify different metabolic, molecular causes of diseases and deep comprehensive of using different laboratory techniques for proper diagnosis

Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills

  1. Interpret and explain results of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and effectively to clinicians
  2. Illustrate important clinical biochemistry and molecular genetic disease.
  3. Design guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders
  4. Classification of genetic disorders

Practical and Professional Skills

  1. Demonstrate diagnostic laboratory tests in clinical biochemistry, molecular genetics, molecular and cellular immunology to offer basic advice on relevant investigations
  2. Perform diagnostic laboratory tests in clinical biochemistry and genetic molecular
  3. Critically evaluate data and design experiments to test hypotheses relevant to the practice of clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  4. Perform quality control and assurance procedures

General and Transferable Skills

  1. Communicate effectively through oral presentations, computer processing and presentations, and written reports.
  2. Respect the role of staff and co-staff members regardless of degree or occupation.
  3. Write scientific article according to the basics of scientific research

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